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July Printer of the Month: Avery Dennison Suzhou, China
When your clients have a world-famous reputation for their top-quality high street goods, you need to be sure the printed products you suppl

How an ill-fated adventure 41 yrs ago led to Mellow Colour partnering with Germany’s leading printer
When you have the likes of Mercedes Benz, Volvo and Coca Cola as your clients, you need to ensure your print is meeting the most stringent I

Maxim Shanghai score their sixth perfect print score in a year
Keeping some of the world’s top clothing brands and leading retailers happy is not something that Maxim Label and Packaging Shanghai...

Printer Spotlight: Man Sang China
In the competitive world of printing, it’s always good for business if you can push the envelope when it comes to your colour quality manage

Mellow Colour blog: Next Accessories Bangladesh elevated to global standards with Mellow Colour
With their eco-friendly plant and state-of-the-art technology leading the way in the printing and packaging industry, Bangladesh’s Next...

Printer Spotlight on: SML Shanghai
The print team at SML Shanghai have proved they really know how to do things in style. With international clients including top fashion...

r-pac Bangladesh celebrate 100% ImpressionProof Printer status
The colour team at r-pac Bangladesh had reason to celebrate recently, when they learned they had achieved a 100% print score in their...

Meet the partner: Joo Yuckpark
Being a global network of colour quality management experts, at Mellow Colour we are always excited when the opportunity arises to expand.

Spotlight on: Maxim Vietnam
The label and packaging printers, who count Marks & Spencer among their clients, have been part of Mellow Colour’s colour quality management
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